Seafile.conf settings

Storage Quota Setting

You may set a default quota (e.g. 2GB) for all users. To do this, just add the following lines to seafile.conf file

# default user quota in GB, integer only
default = 2

This setting applies to all users. If you want to set quota for a specific user, you may log in to seahub website as administrator, then set it in "System Admin" page.

Default history length limit

If you don't want to keep all file revision history, you may set a default history length limit for all libraries.

keep_days = days of history to keep

System Trash

Seafile uses a system trash, where deleted libraries will be moved to. In this way, accidentally deleted libraries can be recovered by system admin.


How often trashed libraries are scanned for removal, default 1 day.

scan_days = xx

How many days to keep trashed libraries, default 30 days.

expire_days = xx

Seafile fileserver configuration

The configuration of seafile fileserver is in the [fileserver] section of the file seafile.conf

# bind address for fileserver
# default to, if deployed without proxy: no access restriction
# set to, if used with local proxy: only access by local
host =
# tcp port for fileserver
port = 8082

Since Community Edition 6.2 and Pro Edition 6.1.9, you can set the number of worker threads to server http requests. Default value is 10, which is a good value for most use cases.

worker_threads = 15

Change upload/download settings.

# Set maximum upload file size to 200M.

# Set maximum download directory size to 200M.

After a file is uploaded via the web interface, or the cloud file browser in the client, it needs to be divided into fixed size blocks and stored into storage backend. We call this procedure "indexing". By default, the file server uses 1 thread to sequentially index the file and store the blocks one by one. This is suitable for most cases. But if you're using S3/Ceph/Swift backends, you may have more bandwidth in the storage backend for storing multiple blocks in parallel. We provide an option to define the number of concurrent threads in indexing:

max_indexing_threads = 10

When users upload files in the web interface (seahub), file server divides the file into fixed size blocks. Default blocks size for web uploaded files is 1MB. The block size can be set here.

#Set block size to 2MB

When users upload files in the web interafece, file server assigns an token to authorize the upload operation. This token is valid for 1 hour by default. When uploading a large file via WAN, the upload time can be longer than 1 hour. You can change the token expire time to a larger value.

#Set uploading time limit to 3600s 

You can download a folder as a zip archive from seahub, but some zip software on windows doesn't support UTF-8, in which case you can use the "windows_encoding" settings to solve it.

# The file name encoding of the downloaded zip file.
windows_encoding = iso-8859-1

Changing MySQL Connection Pool Size

When you configure seafile server to use MySQL, the default connection pool size is 100, which should be enough for most use cases. You can change this value by adding following options to seafile.conf:

# Use larger connection pool
max_connections = 200

Note: You need to restart seafile and seahub so that your changes take effect.

./ restart
./ restart

Change File Lock Auto Expire time (Pro edition only)

The Seafile Pro server auto expires file locks after some time, to prevent a locked file being locked for too long. The expire time can be tune in seafile.conf file.

default_expire_hours = 6

The default is 12 hours.